Aligning your photography with your brand before launch is crucial.
This ADHD coach contacted me whilst he was creating his website and brand in order to ensure there was full cohesion in his approach. It was great because this market positioning came before he launched the business.
Therefore, I was able to input into the other design elements prior to creating the photography for him, based on our discussions around his vision for the business. I could advise on how his vision was translated by the proposed design and branding, and how photos could influence the direction of his brand.
Visually illustrating through branding photographs how you interact with clients can make the first point of contact less daunting.
Engaging a coach or adviser can be intimidating, but if they visually show you how they interact and who they are, through brand photos, that can move prospects towards becoming clients by removing an element of doubt. As the business is all about communication with his clients, it was important that we showed how and where he would do this. We discussed who he was working with so that we could bring in age/gender appropriate people for the photo session so that they matched his target market.
We spent some time creating headshots and PR images of him that reflected his personality and gave a feel of how he worked. We then used different locations and different young adults to illustrate the types of people he worked with so if his target market was looking at his marketing material they would be able to identify with the people in the photographs. We set up ‘client sessions’ in a variety of settings to tell the story of how he works and his clientele.
Props are also an important part of his process,
so he brought ones that would be used in his sessions. I wanted to ensure these were photographed creatively to add visual impact. It can be difficult to articulate this to my clients, so I usually direct them in the moment and let the creativity flow. I love this element as the outcome often surprises my clients as they haven’t been able to visualise the results.