Marcie Shaoul was looking for a London corporate photographer that would think outside the box.
Personal branding photography is a relatively new term for an age old concept, which is that of creating photos for a person that align visually with their brand and can be used in their marketing. When revamping a website the photos are so important...especially when the you are the face of the business. The Rolling Stone Coaching business was established and Marcie was developing her Co-Parenting Coaching business too.
Branding photography for two businesses in London with distinct brands meant we split the shoot into two sessions
This enabled us both to get into the brand and mindset of each business without confusion or crossover, which was important when planning and creating the photography. Marcie was nervous because she had previously commissioned a photographer in London but was disappointed with the results.
We clicked straight away and delved deep into her brand and how we were going to represent it through photography.
Planning a brand photo shoot is key.
We had fun planning all the details for the branding photography. Firstly we considered who would be in the shoot, and ensured we had ‘models’ of the right age/sex/etc for her target market. Then we went through what clothes to wear – some that would be worn when coaching and some that showed her in her leisure time. We decided on location and also considered what props we could use for messaging. Brainstorming on props and then creating artistic photos that can be sued for specific messaging is one of my favourite things to do in a personal branding session.
For personal brand photography it really is about getting photos that will connect with the target market. It is especially important in coaching because of the often sensitive nature of the work. So creating photos that really get under the skin of an individual is so important. These photos are from her Executive coaching shoot and below from the Co Parenting Coaching shoot.