When you deal with the public, having corporate photos that show your personality and way of working helps potential clients relate to you.
These boutique estate agents in Surrey have commissioned me for two corporate photography shoots over the past few years. The first was to get the basics of good headshots and photos for their website that showed them with properties that they usually deal with, in areas that they cover. So we chose Chobham and Esher as our locations, and photographed outside properties that they had dealt with. We visited streets that they had sold or let properties in, and I photographed them at landmarks to visually signpost their target market and location.
These guys are different to the norm
for estate agents, and I wanted to create some images that showed this. So I got creative when looking for angles and spaces to take photos. They are also elegant and stylish so I went to their office which reflected this in order to get some ‘at work’ photos. We also went to a client's home to show their friendly, consultative approach to meeting clients.
The first shoot was when we were in between pandemic lockdowns and so I created some fun ‘safe working practice’ images for them to use on social media with masks.
The second corporate shoot was aimed more at obtaining an image bank
for social media as they had been building their Instagram presence and were in need of photos of themselves that illustrated what they do. We planned this photo shoot meticulously so that we went into a variety of properties – for rent and for sale, different styles and sizes – and created some visually interesting images that would grab attention and illustrate a point. Messaging and demonstrating visually what they do was important in this shoot.
They have ended up with a varied and interesting set of images that they can use for their website, PR and social media campaigns.